Monday, May 22, 2006

Meet Usa-pyon!

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Meet Usa-pyon ("oo-sah-pyon"), the main character of my mini comic, yet to be named. :3
He is indeed a rabbit, though a strange one. He's named Usa-pyon by my friend, who made the decision based off of the japanese word "usagi" = rabbit, and seiyuu Koyasu Takehito's random drama character...
he was a rabbit and everything he said ended with -pyon. .... hah..hah..anyway.

His[Usa-pyon's] best friend is Giri-giri chan ("gee-ri-gee-ri"), a cross between a bear and a dog...this odd combination attributes to his name, which is a japanese word that vaguely means "kinda sorta, but not quite". They have a love hate relationship?

Rock-san comes into the story every now and then. He's just an innocent bystander.

It's not really supposed to make sense. It's random japanglish slap stick comedy HAHAHAHa =-=;;;

They were created in my Japanese 1001 class... Sorry Akira-sensei... >_>;


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